Thursday, March 16, 2006
I went for training today only to be hit by the horror of my atrocious water fitness.I mean seriously, k2 with a junior, how bad can it get! Now I am tired, my arms ached and I actually got sun burnt. -_-"
That aside, I went back to MacRitchie and was amazed that every little thing reminds me of so many things. The shed, smelly, dirty shed on the top where we stuff all our boats and bags. How we hid inside it when it rains. The debrief, long, educational debrief by Mr Yong at the end of every training. How I tried to keep awake everytime when I was drowsy and how Peishan will wake me up everytime I fail to succeed. hah. :)
AND! K1s! My k1. I went back to see that my dear darling k1 boat is still plastered with the names of the people I wrote during Nationals last year. I wrote down the girl's team name and mr yong's name. I still rememebered. It is kind of faded now though, as if to signify that things will slowly fade away whether you like it or not. Anyway, I was just glad to see my k1, row it and feel good. :)
It is not that I want to be sentimental, to be always looking back and wanting familiarity. I just respond exceptionally slow to changes inside and it makes it so difficult to make certain decision at times. I have been talking to people, and many are keen on going overseas to study. Many have went(like my dear charlene) and many are going to go.
It is times like that that I feel my heart sink a little. I want to congratulate them for having the resources to pursue a degree overseas and I do think it is fun and interesting to be entering into a new study environment. As much as I reject changes, I cannot change the fact that education here sometimes get too demanding and unbearable so overseas can be good. However it is just like telling me, 'more foreign element left now, familiar faces are going, more are going.' haha now I actually do think that I sound like I crave security.
No I am very much fine on my own. haha. I also want to go overseas now. To where Charlene is will be good. :) Got her there to make me insane but to keep me sane too. I like the paradoxical effect she has on me, can never be replaced ! But aiya no money so I better don't dream any further already. haha.
Anyway I tried to submit my university application today. Finished ntu but holding on to nus's application. It is too complicating for me but whatever it is I just want God, Your will to do be done. If it is anything another than that, I do not want.
On a side note, I am finding it increasingly easy to save money now :D Shumin are you proud of me! I haven't taken a cab in I don't know how long already. In case you are not aware, after reflecting on my spendthrift ways of the past, I have decided to give myself a challenge. Not because I like the sound of it but because I really meant to save some cash. Temptations are easier to ignore now, thank God, cabs no longer seemed THAT welcoming and nice anymore.
But I am still depressed that I gave up Jason Mraz concert because I was saving money. I really wanted to go. Not a mega big fan of the chap but a big-enough-to-want-to-go-his-concert fan. I hate to give up good music. :(
However I manage not to spend a single cent today after going training, eating lunch and singing kbox with Leepeng :) Impressive huh.. Leepeng is rich so she decided to treat me to Kbox(maybe because I gave her a nice bag or because I know her dirty little secret..hahah) and we ate lunch in school for free! The juniors were having camp and the cai fun uncle offered us leftover from their lunch. The leftover is very nice, reminds me of days where me and michelle eat cai fun everyday(due to the fact that we DON'T really have a choice when the Yong Tau Foo auntie went missing). She will have more rice with vegetables(yucks) piled on top and maybe a piece of lean meat or something. I will have my chicken meat, egg and more meat with a bowl of nice soup to share with michelle. :)
Happy days, I still remember.
I still remember.