Thursday, October 12, 2006
Frustrations reach a whole new level when it comes to dealing with creatures of lower level of sensibility.It's like trying to lecture Relativity in Spanish to a whole group of Chinese people.
You get what i mean? The frustrating portion has 2 sub-parts - the difficulty of communicating Einstein's concepts and the language barrier.
I just felt that I was trying to teach Relativity in Spanish to a whole group of chinese 3 years-old kids. I couldnt be more frustrated. Being unkind is one thing, being rebelious is another. Then again being rebelious is one thing and being rebelious WITHOUT A CAUSE is another.
Grow up, just grow up. the world is not as simple as you think.
Seriously it is not. And I dont even know how to tell them that. Its not just some major exams and normal daily struggles. It can be trials and tribulations, if that's God's intended will for you. It can be anything. Anything but normal.
Training myself. To smile when you feel like smacking+whacking the creature up. Grrr, it definitely take something out of me but guess i can cope. HA.