Thursday, March 16, 2006
You know msn nicks can be so interesting?People can have long nick that doesn't make sense and relatively short nick that... well, still doesn't make sense. I guess msn nicks all should have a touch of ambiguity to make them intriguing. You could type it any way you want it to be, could be an emotion you are feeling, could be a love you are expressing, or it could be just totally random. Generally, the msn nicks I see on my list are more informative and broadcasting. Like , "Who wants to buy a new handphone?", "Who wants to find a job?" or "I am angry today don't talk to me!"
Allow me to digress, I actually do find the last declaration the most interesting one among the rest. When you put something like I am angry please do not talk to me, I don't know what you are trying to achieve eh. If you do not want to talk, don't go online lahhh. I suspect anyone who put that as a msn nick is actually wanting conversation from their friends. You know, the reverse psychology thing usually works, hahah. When I see nicks like that on my list, I can't help but to click on them and start conversing.
But anyway, I like to have lyrics from songs I'm listening to as my msn nick. Not long ago, I was playing Lifehouse's Breathing on playback mode because the song is so nice! So I took my favourite line from the song,'Even if you don't want to speak tonight, that's alright, alright with me', and used it as my msn nick. I thought it was pretty cool because I can relate it back to the song. However I started getting weird questions from my friends, most think that I'm in love and they keep asking me who I was refering to -_-"
haha I didn't expect such a funny response from the crowd! Some thought it was a declaration to the one I love and others thought I had quarrelled with the one I love. But sorry to crush their imagination, I do not have a one I love and even if I have and we quarrel, if he doesn't want to speak to me, he will get it from me. Hahahaha :) So I had to explain to them that it is a lyrics from a song by Lifehouse. Some decided to be funny and refuted me, I had to send them the song in order to fully convince them -_-"
Then just a few days ago, I was spinning Hanson's Love Song and a line from the lyrics caught my attention. It goes, 'When you loved wrong, doesn't mean love's gone'. I thought it was a pretty interesting line so I used it for my msn nick. This time, I have people responding to this nick again. Ms Lim offered to finish up for the sentence for me. She said something like 'When you loved wrong and trusted the wrong person the pain is worse than cancer'. haha she is so cute larhhhh.
I guess everyone has different views.
When you loved wrong, _________________.
Fill in the blanks people, allow your imagination to flow :)