Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hey you know what? I had a great day today :)

And hey hey you know what? God always catches you when you least expect it. :)

I woke up feeling quite tired today and I had a cell outing to attend. I lament at the small number of people that are turning out and at the rain that was pouring outside. "10am! Why must they meet so early!" I remembered having that thought in my mind. Don't get me wrong, I love my p6 cell a lot. Just that I really didnt feel very hyped up for this cell outing that's all.

I just went there, feeling I had to be there because I am the leader, because I am obligated to. I don't like to feel obligated because I always think that it is wrong to do something for God because you felt obligated. I struggled a little on my way to Tampines Safra and I wanted my attitude to be right. But the struggle ended as soon as I met up with my cell and we proceed with bowling.

We had so much fun! The boys are really hilarious. Thaddeus was talking away and challenging the rest. And because we are not seasoned bowlers, we had fun laughing at each other. They really just light up my morning. A few silly ethics here and there, a few nonsensical comments and TADAH! I can't stop smiling already. Nat and Gabriel Lim joined us a while later. We discovered hidden talent in bowling! Nat, Gab Lim and Gab Quek are quite impressive for a start. Hey, I didn't fare too badly though. My second game had a few Spares here and there :)

Bowling! I hadn't touch that for quite a while already.

Gabs came late.

Our p5 star bowler!! That's cool junkai in the background.

The very shy mingyew :)

The 2 posers. Hahahahah.

Looking at the score... Gab quek is leading!

After one round of bowling, me and marcus decided to try billard/pool(whatever you call it). And I realised, I am really not good at that hahaha. Again, we laughed like mad. We couldn't even get the white ball to hit the rest of the balls!

Glad that everyone had fun just before school starts for them. And I am really thankful that even though not many turn up for the outing God blessed us with such a fun time fellowshipping. God really caught me when I least expected Him to. Just by obeying Him and going for the cell outing brought soo much joy to me.

This is a great day to be living for the cause of the gospel and His name!

on a sidenote, Sean maybe you are right. Haha I think I have been driven around too much until I became a little spoilt. I have been cabbing yesterday and today and taking rides from people. =\ This morning I tried to take a bus and realised that both my ez-link have no money...

huiyinggg- wrote on 8:11 AM.