Monday, April 24, 2006
Oh. I heard about the controversial talk show that 10 very daring youths had with MM Lee Kuan Yew.My conclusion is do not oppose for the sake of opposing. It makes you look ridiculously funny.
I shan't say more about the content of the dialogue but I thought the candidates should be smart enough to show due respect to MM Lee. Not because being rude is politically dangerous but because MM Lee deserves it. I heard they said something about PAP being tyranny or something.
You want to see my mother? She is THE monarchy.
Haha okay not much of a link here BUT my point is really, to not see everything in a bad light. And give thanks to God for blessing us with sensible political parties here that do not throw punches at each other literally in the parliment.
For me, I don't know much about the politics man. I don't know much at all. But whatever, GE is coming whether you like it or not. I reserved my opinion that it is going to be very interesting (:
Oh Oh! Man Utd vs Chelsea this sat.
Very interesting too.