Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Remember how i use to comment that i wonder why God gives those nobel laureates all the brains to discover so many things? I think im on this today again, after all the physical chem equations that i have to shove down my throat. I got a few crazy ideas! Haha must be all the studying. You see, all the names of the scientists and their prized equations and theories just make me so confused! I wish for simpler names of equations(simpler equations if possible) so i wont have a hard time thinking who came up with what so as to not use the wrong equations.

Maybe should just let smarties with short first name invent the equations.
Eg. the CHAN's(chiteng) Law: blah + blah / blah equals to blahblahblah
Wah you see the CHAN part is easier to remember as compared to Raoult's Law. I cant even spell w/o referring to my text.

Next, shouldn't let partners work together and come up with something together
I know the sharing and working hand-in-hand thing is really nice but not so nice when it comes to the name. See now we refer the DNA structure to the Watson-Crick structure. It's like such a big hassle? Ha should just give the ingenious ideas to one guy and period.
Example of messy long names of equations:

Debye-Huckel Equation, Clausius-Clapeyron equation(personally dislike this the most)

Lastly, no german/dutch/hard-to-pronouce-or-spell scientists coming out with equations that i have to memorise
I cant memorise without really verbalising, i cant verbalise without knowing how to pronouce the name.
Eg van't hoff equation

Hahah i am too demanding i think. Really shouldn't be here. bye!!!

huiyinggg- wrote on 7:21 AM.