Monday, June 25, 2007

I came home a little earlier today. Dinner is not even ready as I typed my words here. I remembered the many times when dinner was cooked but I was not home yet for it. This small reversal of roles disturbs me a little, but I am smiling as I typed my words here.

Things have been good since my Orang Asli Trip, but I really couldn't find the time to sit down and recount everything here. Yet in my heart I fear that the more I drag my memory, the less accurate they might turn out to be. My eyes just ran through entries that two of my friends posted. Rachel put up something about her Laos trip and Jasmin, her Germany trip. I am hearten because as I read their writings, I know they are doing great in the Lord. That alone makes me smiled as I typed my words here.

I am still waiting for the photos from the Orang Asli Trip.

You know a lot of times, we go about our lives, toiling and dragging our feet through the day only to discover at the end of the day we don't even know why we try so hard. Sometimes we don't even know who do we try so hard for. When I read Rachel's post, I know it is going to inspire many people. And I know everyone is going to see how meaningful she has been leading her life there and even here in Singapore. The bottomline is not what she does that is meaningful but who she is doing it for. And I know deep down that the joy of the Lord is so evident that she must share it with others.

For in 2Cor4:6
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us he light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ

In the Orang Asli villages, once the sun set, everywhere else is pitch black. Because they do not have electricity, darkness knows no boundary there. A simple torch can light up a whole area there.

Many times I wish to share the light with friends whose hearts are fast being engulfed by darkness. I think of how life will be different if they have a good reason to wake up to everyday. I wonder how it will be for them to have their hearts bursting with the joy of the Lord like how I feel. I wish for many things, and I hope that I will not stop at just wishing, but will one day be able to see it come to past.

I can't wait to see Rachel again!

huiyinggg- wrote on 3:44 AM.