Wednesday, April 05, 2006
I've got my philosophy.Was just returning to Sophie's World and I'm already ready to take a break from the book again. Once too many times I find myself running through the paragraphs repeatedly, trying to grasp the ideas and thoughts of the various philosophers.
It is a mega brain-exhuaster.
I think it is worse than trying to do Sudoku in a noisy room, or trying to hold a proper conversation with Leepeng. I think reading this book top my list of energy draining activity(don't worry lp you are still in Top 3 :). I confessed that sometimes I really don't know what Alberto is trying to tell Sophie that I will just give up trying to understand. And after a few days of reading the book, I am finding myself going through the ideas of the philosophers again and again. It's disturbing my train of thoughts and I am finding it increasingly hard to organise what I want to say or write. This will explain the lack of updates of the blog(it is not an excuse).
Now when I am stoning, Democritus or Spinoza will come into my mind. Then I will try to refute Hume and his ideas. Dangerous book, eh?
Eugene was just telling me that I must be careful when I read philosophy books, they might shake your faith.
I guess you just have to be extra careful. Reading about Immanuel Kant and Descrates may even strengthened your faith! How very interesting...
What will be your philosophy?